The third floor is located at two elevations: 6.300 and 7.060. In the reconstructed part of the building, in axes 1-4, there are administrative and utility rooms and bathrooms. Two stairwells serve as evacuation exits for this part of the floor – near axis 1 and in axes 4-5. A staircase is designed at the elevation difference between the reconstructed part and the newly constructed 5-story section. In the newly constructed part of the building (above the garages in axes 1-2), adjustments provide for utility and service rooms, bathrooms, and ITR offices.
On the fourth and fifth floors (elevations 9.600, elevation 12.900), administrative rooms and ITR offices are planned. The fifth floor includes the organization of apartments for the CEO and deputy CEOs, security and rest areas. Two stairwells serve as evacuation exits – in axes 8-10 and 13-15.
At the roof level of the new part of the building, a boiler room is planned. It has two emergency exits: to the stairwell through the lobby and to the roof.
When implementing the project decisions for the reconstruction of existing administrative and production premises with the addition of a third floor and the construction of a 5-story addition, the creation of a multi-height, flexible modern building is planned.
In the yard of the base, a diesel power station, a fire reservoir of 60 m³, consisting of two sections, is planned.