In zone 2, the placement of a shopping center with guest parking is planned. Loading is provided from the east side with the organization of a service yard, ramps, areas for garbage containers, and technical structures. The entrance for freight transport is planned from Barricadna Street through an unfinished local road. The main entrance for visitors is designed from Poltavsky Shlyakh Street. For this purpose, the creation of a duplicate passage with two exits is envisaged – one regulated, the other only with the possibility of a right turn.
Zone 3 – the area for placing social and cultural facilities and services (kindergarten, school, park area). It is planned to locate a kindergarten for 220 children with play and utility areas. The calculated area for servicing the kindergarten is provided. Accessibility to the kindergarten is ensured by an intra-quarter pedestrian alley connecting residential buildings with the park area. In addition, in the second variant, the placement of a school for 500 students is envisaged. All necessary sports grounds, a stadium, and a utility yard with technical facilities are designed on the school’s territory.
Zone 4 – transport zone for placing guest parking and multi-level parking. This zone is located in the sanitary protection zone of existing garages. The capacity of the multi-level parking is calculated based on the number of residents in the quarter. Access to the parking is provided from Barricadna Street through a freight street. Pedestrian connection to residential buildings is provided by a pedestrian alley.
Zone 5 – the area for the location of a public trade and office center. This zone, in our opinion, is the most demanded for the placement of a trade and office building. This is due to the reduced sanitary protection gap to the parking lots, aiming to save space and having the main facade facing Poltavsky Shlyakh Street.
Zone 6 – recreation zone. In the lower part of the plot near the brick factory, the creation of a park with all necessary areas for the residential quarter is envisaged. Connection to the residential territory is made through a pedestrian alley.
Zone 7 – zone of engineering facilities. The planned location of a transformer substation (KTP) is provided on the plot. These territories are designated as access zones to the planned structures from local roads and residential streets.
Trade zone. The total area of the trade zone plot is approximately 5.07 hectares. The trading area is approximately 11,000 square meters. The built-up area of the trade zone is approximately 18,600 square meters.
Business zone.
The area of the business zone plot is approximately 0.41 hectares. The total area is approximately 1400 square meters. The built-up area of the business zone is approximately 1700 square meters. The useful area is 1100 square meters. The number of floors is 8. According to the project area, the placement of 500 workplaces is considered.
Residential zone.
The area of the residential zone plot is approximately 9.09 hectares. The built-up area of residential buildings is approximately 10,041 square meters.
Total area of residential apartments = 102,225.6 square meters.
1-room apartments – 639;
2-room apartments – 981;
3-room apartments – 576.